Woof OS

Woof OS Sway Edition


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Keybinds for Woof OS Sway edition

Woof OS Sway edition uses a tiling window manager, sway, mainly controlled using the keyboard.
The keybinds listed here are declared in ~/.config/sway/config.

By default, [mod] is the Super/mod4 key, which is the ⊞ Win key on most keyboards, and the ⌘ Command key on Macs.

Focus navigation

  • [mod] H moves focus to the left
  • [mod] L moves focus to the right
  • [mod] J moves focus down
  • [mod] K moves focus up
  • [mod] Space toggles focus between the floating area and the tiling area
  • The mouse can also be used to switch focus between windows by simply hovering over them.

  • [mod] 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 moves focus to the workspace assigned to the ID

Window arrangement

  • [mod] Shift H moves focused window to the left
  • [mod] Shift L moves focused window to the right
  • [mod] Shift J moves focused window down
  • [mod] Shift K moves focused window up
  • [mod] Shift Return toggles between split and unsplit sides of stack
  • [mod] Tab toggles between layouts
  • [mod] Shift 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 shifts focused window to the workspace assigned to the ID
  • To resize windows, enter resizing mode by pressing [mod] R and use the arrow keys or the relevant vim navigation keys to resize the window.
    Return or Escape exits resize mode.


  • [mod] R for horizontal splitting
  • [mod] V for vertical splitting
  • [mod] S for stacking layout
  • [mod] W for tabbed layout
  • [mod] E for toggle split layout
  • [mod] F for fullscreen layout
  • [mod] Shift Space toggles floating mode

Miscellaneous and scratchpad

  • [mod] Shift - moves focused window to the scratchpad
  • [mod] - shows the next scratchpad window or hides the focused scratchpad window
  • [mod] Return launches the terminal (alacritty)
  • [mod] D opens the Rofi run launcher
  • [mod] Q kills focused window
  • [mod] CTRL C refreshes Sway
  • [mod] CTRL Q shuts down Sway

